We just finished the first quarter of 2019; I can’t believe it either. I accomplished many things on my list but there were also some setbacks that derailed me from other goals. With Easter around the corner, I always use this time of year as an opportunity to reset and as a fresh beginning to start again. I need to bring back my motivation and get unstuck in some areas of my life.

Do You Need to Get Unstuck Too?

Need some motivation, come join me as we tackle this together. Have you been feeling blah or not quite motivated to accomplish your goals as of late? Have things been bumming you out that have de-energized you? Me too. We can do this as the first step is self-awareness and then it is time to move forward boldly. Let’s do this together.

Getting Unstuck Tips for Motivation

Tips for Getting Motivated:

  • Acknowledge that you need some motivation. Be easy on yourself, we all fall in and out of motivation. The key is to motivate yourself to begin again. I need to get my self-care ritual mojo back. Sometimes, I am so on and then I fall off and I am off. I am so much better when I am in the flow so here I am acknowledging that I need my motivation back. Anybody else need some motivation?
  • Think about what it is that you really really want. You probably are not going to say that you really want to go to the gym or go for that run but you may say you want to get healthier or lose some weight. That is what your ultimate goal is and what it is you really want. You will then sort out how to best make that happen. If you can’t figure out what it is you really really want, grab a journal and just write and write until you gain some clarity. You can do this in all aspects of your life. Start small though and pick one thing that you really really want. When you know what you want, it will be easier to accomplish it. And when you figure out your why, it becomes more sustainable too versus a short-term fix.
  • Set a goal. Remember the idea of SMART Goals? Specific, Measureable, Achievable, Relevant and Time-Bound. My exercise goals are usually something like this, “Exercise 4 times a week for the next month because I will then be a happier and healthier mom and I deserve taking care of me. ” It’s always good to add in your why too which is what I did on my goal above. I also know after I commit to 30 days, I will usually keep going but 30 days is doable and specific. For a fun goal setting tool, I use Daruma dolls to help motivate me too.
  • Choose the right goal. Make sure this is the right goal for you and not for someone else. Find a process that works for you to achieve that goal. For example, I can’t run much these days (for health reasons) so I would be setting myself up for failure if I dug in and said I was going to run to achieve my goal. Instead, I will find methods that work well for myself. Remember, you do you!
  • Tell someone and post that goal. Find an accountability partner or group that will check in with you to be sure you are following through. Type it out and post that goal somewhere you will see it. I will tape mine to my computer, put it on my desk and have little reminders of it everywhere. When I need to exercise, I’ll even post this fun reminder of my guys from muscle beach to inspire me to get my body moving. 
    Track your progress. Write it in your calendar or journal each day, mark it in your smart phone, post it on your wall. You get the idea. We need to be able to track our progress. It is so helpful in many ways especially on the days you feel like giving up. This will become a visual reminder to keep going.
  • Celebrate your success. Find out what works for you and be sure to celebrate with little wins along the way. I know for me, I’ll treat myself to a new workout outfit after I’ve been doing a great job exercising, etc.
  • Swing your legs. Having a hard time getting moving towards your goals, remember it is as easy as “swinging your legs”. I’ll write another blog on that later but it really is about putting one foot in front of the other as we work to get unstuck and motivate ourselves to change and transformation. This is the only way that forward progress happens. Sadly, our goals and dreams don’t just happen, we need to make them happen by making progress every.single.day!

When You Get Stuck, Be Easy on Yourself.

Sometimes, I run into roadblocks and setbacks and bad days/weeks, but the key is to get unstuck and get back on the horse. It takes a great deal of effort and intention (no doubt) but the rewards are so much greater when we get out there and live our life!

I hope this post helps give you some motivation to get your life moving in the right direction again and getting unstuck. I know I needed some and I know if I put it out there in the universe, it really helps me too, as well. Here’s to lots of new beginnings and fresh starts for all of us! We can do this!!!

Want to read more on this subject, check out these similar blogs on New Beginnings and on finding Motivation for Moms!